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Breaking The Shackles

Tales Of My Adventure Moving Away To Experience Life Abroad.


Questions Answered

From what I understand, and this is just from asking a handful of people, so it's not conclusive by any means. Dog is only eaten in the winter. Something about it making you warm. I don't know - I've probably had it unknowingly but I've never ordered it.

About the PS3 - Funny it wasn't a "price drop" but a "liquidation" really. Man I don't like SONY, but they had to do something. They were getting killed by the Xbox 360, and the 360 and PS3 are getting killed by the Wii. Even the DS Lite is killing all of the above mentioned and it's a hand held. I really want to get a PS3 now, since the EE is going to be taken out (like the European versions) thus making the backwards compatibility not as good. What's even funnier is you can upgrade the HD inside yourself, nothing special about it other than it being a 2.5" HD. I'd love to pick one up now, but I'm not there and don't know when I'll be back. There is rumors of a rumble version of the controller coming out too - hasn't been said if it'll just require a new controller purchase or a new system purchase. So if you're feeling generous - A 60GB PS3 would make a nice Birthday/Christmas present (together).

You may also see if you qualify for the 5 free blu ray dvd offer. It was a mail in rebate I think on all systems purchased up through September. Amazon awhile back was offering the PS3, an extra controller, Memento (on blue ray) + the 5 free blu ray dvd offer... If I were in the states I would have bitten on that deal. They later replaced Memento with the 2nd Resident Evil movie (not as good of a movie), but still.

Ah a quick google search shows this site: http://www.bluraysavings.com/ Gives you all the details.

The Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) has revealed an exciting offer for those of you who are still looking to pick up a Blu-ray player. If you purchase a Blu-ray player (including the PS3) between July 1st and September 30th, you will automatically qualify to receive 5 Blu-ray movies absolutely free.

Out of the list, I'd highly recommend Babel. I enjoyed that movie a lot. Kiss of the Dragon isn't a bad film either. The Corpse Bride is enjoyable if you like that style (A nightmare before Christmas). The Italian Job isn't a great movie, but a good popcorn turn your brain off flick. Same with The Transporter 2. I like the Underworld movies, but I know everyone's not a fan. *shrug* looks like there is a little something for everyone. Some older movies, some newer movies. Look into it, I think it'd make your 'deal' that much better.

The bullfrogs at the place I had them were super big. They were in a soup type dish, there must have been I don't know 6 or 7 of them. I've seen smaller frogs before too. I want to try the King Snake next - wonder what that'll taste like.

I'm glad that everyone will be back home. It's been kind of lonely here without the comments :)

Did Nat like the frog?

The mosquitoes sound gross. I hope everything is okay for Texas. All of Britain is/was flooded too, crazy huh?

Take care


You've got questions...I've got answers.

Did it taste like ... chicken?
Yea it actually did quite a bit. It was weird, it was like a chicken taste with a fish texture.

Did you get the recipe?
Nope, this was at a restaurant so I just ordered it.

How easy is it to make this dish at home ... can u buy LIVE bullfrog at the market?
Seems like it'd be pretty easy to make at home. They looked as though they were deskinned, de-eyed/deorganed and then boiled. It was like a soup with all this hot spicy stuff in the broth, they came and ladled all the spices out (you're not supposed to eat the soup). It also had some vegetables in there too. So you'd reach in a pull out this frog carcass eat all the meat and toss away the bones.

I've seen live bullfrogs/frogs before in a market, as well as at restaurants. I've also seen turtles, snakes, chickens, dogs, craw fish, different type of fish and that's all I can think of at the moment.

Feel free to ask more questions


Ribbit Ribbit

I ate bullfrog today... It was pretty tasty - hard to eat though.


Not sure who left the very last comment just minuets ago, but to clarify, I have an idea of what I should do, but I'm still having problems coming to terms with it.

I'm usually quite good about 'rolling with the punches' so to say, meaning being flexible and being able to adapt to change. However, this has been causing more tension all around. I've found myself being in a worse mood lately because there's always scenarios running through my head, numbers crunching, trying to come up with a plan.

I've found myself neglecting eating since I've come back to Wuhan... I'll wake up fairly early go to work, maybe have a bag of chips and by the end of the day my stomach is growling, my body feels weak, and my hands are lightly trembling. I came home today with that feeling and fell asleep until my phone vibrated in my pocket pressed up against my leg (was in my clothes still) so I decided to go get a pizza from pizza hut (expensive) and only ate 4 slices. Normally I could finish the whole thing no problem. I've lost a lot of weight, most of my clothes don't fit very well anymore although looking at myself in the mirror, I feel like I look the same and it's quite discouraging. I always say that I should get some discipline and tone up, but I never do it for whatever reason.

I read Doug's blog just now, and it still seems as though he feels the need to blog about me. Going on with the same acquisitions that I've grown tired of. "You don't get me!" Yes Doug, I get you, I probably get you better than anyone. Doesn't mean I have to like it or agree with it. Yea, I've been trying to distance myself. You say you've got SOOOOoooo many friends, yet you talk about being alone all the time...hmmm contradiction? I'd be willing to bet that "so many friends" just means students who have a different agenda on their mind weither they make it apparent or not. Remember it's the Chinese way to "bribe" and try to make you feel special. Just the other day you were talking about how Everett was leaving and how I was leaving and you weren't going to have anyone to hang around with and how you weren't going to know what to do with yourself. Seems like you're obscuring the picture of your readers to try and paint a prettier picture then it really is. Hey maybe I'm wrong, but that's just my observation.

It's true I haven't been to his place - but he fails to mention that he has no furniture. It's probably a mess, and his paraphernalia is probably out in sight - none of these I want to deal with, see, or be around. I don't go around preaching my views on recreational hobbies, so don't do it to me.

I mean really, what do you want from me? You say some pretty bad things about me to other people, you fight with me about money you rightfully owe me and try to get out of it, you try to cause tension between my friends/co-workers and I... So you can "demand" all the respect you want because you "think" you're more of a professional (even though you (and I) still lack any sort of degree, something that typically defines a 'professional' at least in this field. It'd be quite hard to get a job elsewhere in the world (sans asia/mexico) even though you think you're a "professional".) However, in my opinion it hasn't been earned from me at least. Respect isn't valued by 'time and money' either.

Frankly Stoerm and I get along - I don't "put up" with anything, because there hasn't been anything to "put up" with. He gives me my space, I give him his space. We meet for dinner or to play a game here or there.

I don't know, I've used to much space already on this - I'm not saying anymore.

Work decided to screw me over again... They asked what we preferred for the schedule during the busy summer portion and I told them I'd prefer not to have mornings. Turns out I have pretty much all morning classes. This upsets me, but whatever it's only 6 weeks then I'm out of there.

More people from home are starting to get in contact with me telling me they can't wait for when I get back, and it's going to hurt to have to tell them sorry, I might not be coming back this year. It's really difficult, because the more I think about it the more I feel like I need to visit... There are some more things I'd like to see here in China, but really I didn't do this to turn it into a career (not yet anyways). I mean I'd still like to go to other countries too, and for that (as I talked about earlier) I'll need a degree... Without it, my options are limited.

How'd you like the new pictures? No one has said anything about them :(

How's everything turning out for everyone out there? I've been watching some American TV shows - Survivor (Just finished season 7 the Pearl Islands... I liked it a lot because it was a Pirate theme throughout the whole thing, however, I didn't like how it played out at the end.). America's Got Talent - it's like a huge talent show - pretty fun. Mindfreak - a magic show. Miami Ink - about a tattoo shop in miami.

My body is in pain right now, I feel tense, sore, and sun burnt. I can't get comfortable, but it all might be due to this decision I need to make too. I just don't know yet...


Why I Never Plan... *sigh*

This is in response to Linda's final sentence in her last comment... For those of you that cannot read it; it was to the tune of We hope to see you at the Ren Fest in Oct. At least that's a summary of it.

I said I was coming to China, and I told everyone that it was for a year and then I'd return. Then we'd all go meet up in Vegas per Doug's plans, then return and resume life as normal or carry on with our new plans. That sounds all fine and dandy, except a few things have crept up on all of us the past few months.

My contract is getting ready to end shortly (early September) and I'm now trying to figure out what I want to do. What I wanted to do was return home for a month or so, and then either enroll in a University/College there OR return here for another year. I still think there is more for me to learn while here (example, the language) and there is a lot more for me to see. Plus the Olympics are next year. However, what I want isn't going to happen. The reason you ask? Simple....Semester start dates. 

Turns out that semesters will begin right around the time that my contract is ending. So that leaves little to no time for me to enroll in school. Part of the reason for me coming here was a scheme to allow me to get better financial aid based on my yearly income. There is no time for financial aid to clear. Sure, I could pay for college out of my pocket, then apply for FA afterwards, but I don't think I have that kind of money.

I really really really don't want to work full time here another year. Honestly, it's just not worth it. At least at my school, I'm over-worked and under-paid. I feel like I have no time during the week... One of my days off is spent recouping, the other is spent being upset because work starts the next day. I don't really enjoy the work right now either, possibly because I know all I am is a bullet point on a list of advertisements for the "school." Business is places above education, and that doesn't sit well with me. I could try and work elsewhere, but I have a pretty good feeling that it's like this at all of these places probably. I'll probably be accused of not wanting to work, and that's not the case. Sure I don't like work, but I see that it's something we have to do. I just feel that I've worked hard for a long stint and it's time that I get back into school. In order to do that I need to put my whole effort into it and not have to worry about another full time job. It's just a strong feeling of I need to get into school, I can't explain it.

I could work part-time if I wanted, but then I'd have to pay for my own place and stuff like that, meaning I'd have to work more to pay for the extra things I didn't have to pay for during full-time. I could do under the table work, but it's always a gamble.

I could try working in a different country - but my options are limited due to not having proper qualifications, and this is one of the cheapest places to be honestly. 

I've thought about enrolling in a 1 year Chinese language course here at a University. It's cheap, it'd be beneficial in the future, with more and more businesses doing business in China, and it'd be an accredited course meaning a transferable credit. However, I'd be here another year without a visit home. Not something I'm against, but not what I had my heart and mind set on doing. I could return during the September holiday for maybe 2-4 weeks, but economically, it's not a very sound decision. I'd have to pay for my own air-fare there and back. One-way it's anywhere from $800-$1200 dollars. So I'd be looking at like $1600 at the cheapest. 

I'm so confused, I don't know what to do, time is running out, and a decision needs to be made. Do I like it here? Yes, and no. Do I want to stay? I don't mind. Do I want to go home? Yes, at least for a visit. There are people I want to see, things I want/need to do, and stuff I'd like to buy for a return trip.

There are things I want for myself - I want my own house, I want to be able to enjoy my work because it's something I want to do - not something I feel I should do for whatever reason. I want a girlfriend at some point, but without being able to have something to offer besides my good looks, I don't feel right about it, especially if their foreign they wouldn't be able to work right away. 

I'm driving myself crazy, and I can feel the weight on my shoulders again. It's almost unbearable... Massages have become my friend here.

I just uploaded my pictures from my Xi'an China trip - they're up on my flickr page. I didn't get to do everything I wanted though because I was feeling like I was becoming ill when I got there. 

Anyways, your thoughts are welcome. I'm sinking into a dark place I think.


Happy 4th of July

Myspace Glitters