Blue days...
I've been feeling really strange lately. It's like I've come to see China in a new light...almost as if I'm growing tired of being here. The fun and excitement of being in a 'foreign' country has subsided and all that's left is the frustration and aggravations of having to deal with everything here.
Maybe it's the time of the year though. This time of the year is often my favorite time of the year back home. You know, Halloween, Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas, New Years. It's just a festive time and a lot of good food is eaten and time spent with everyone. It's something I really really miss.
It could also be work...Lots of changes are happening at work, and most of them are changes that I just don't agree with. The new director of studies and senior teacher put so much thought into the methodology of teaching and have thoughts in their heads on how things should be, but really fail to tell us exactly what it is, instead saying it's up to you. Then when it comes time for them to watch classes, you get criticized for not doing it their way. Or, you don't get any input at all. I don't like the Sr. Teacher, he doesn't like me. I refuse to give respect to anyone that doesn't at least treat me as another human being. I mean, coming into the room saying hello to everyone except me. Just things like that. So it's hard for me to really pay attention to their demands/requests whatever you want to call them.
Secondly, teaching isn't something I ever really wanted to do. It's just a stepping stone, a simple job. I don't want to make this a career.
I don't know - I'm just feeling really down lately. Now with the advent of a girlfriend, she, of course, doesn't want me to leave.
I'm already running late for work - I should be getting ready now and prepare to leave, but really I just don't care.
Even more depressing is the weather today - here's a couple pics from my window:

Sorry you are feeling down. You are right the weather can make a difference. We are looking forward to seeing you guys in March and of course missing you both. Your apartment looks very nice and of course we love the pictures. If you can get online pull up the college you want to go to and start on the paperwork; it will make you feel better to know you have it started. Love, Linda
A couple of days early is better than a couple of days late. Happy Early Birthday Tom!!