Not much to say
Going to be very bust at work in February. The busy days of Saturday and Sunday become the weekdays for 3 weeks. I took a video during the snow that I plan to upload, but it's getting stuck at 7% - so I'll have to wait till later to upload it.
If you register for a flickr account, you can comment on the pictures themselves.
More to say, but another time.
Boooy oh Boooy, it looks cold in the snow where you are...but your jacket looks nice and warm. Is that the one that Doug got you for Christmas?
Is there a way to preserve all your documentation, for future viewing I mean, like for when you are 50 and want to take another look at your visit to China?
We are cold here also, the panhandle of Texas was getting warning of 18 inches of snow this week end! That does not sound like Texas to me.
Incidentally, I can only access your site by going through Doug's? Any idea what is going on? Gloomy Days is the last that comes up on your site. Just curious.
Love, Grandma