New Look
Well, I've updated the look of my blog. I hope everything is working...
On the right side, you should see:
About Me info - the email address is an image to protect from SpamBots
A Shoutbox - Use this to leave messages on the blog amongst each other... Think of it like a message board.
Track me is supposed to display a feed of all the other websites and things I do. Like if I upload a new youtube video, you should be able to see it in there.
recent posts - lists recent posts
recent comments - lists recent comments
archives - previous posts
flickr photos - my photos posted to flickrs
blogrolls - links to other places
world visitor map - shows where people are when they visit the blog
the backgrounds of the posts should be white - I noticed that on some of the longer posts, that background gets messed up. I hope to fix this soon too.
Hopefully, this style will be easier to read than the last one. Let me know what you think.
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